Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Is it okay to lie if it does not it hurt anyone?

Everyone lies at least some point in their lives. Sometimes those lies are small, sometimes those lies are big. Sometimes the lies hurt people, sometimes they don't. In the play I believe that lying is shown throughout. An example includes that fact that Blanche lies about her age, what she's done in her past, why she left her teaching job in the middle of the school year, and so on and so forth. At first these were all little lies that we, as readers probably didn't think we're very important. However, as the play went on I think that we all began to realize how more and more important it was getting that Blanche hadn't told the truth. She finds someone who loves her, her and her sister have a good relationship, what more can a person ask for. However, because of the lying Blanche soon begins to lose all of that. You see the thing is that when you lie, eventually someone finds out. In the case of Blanche when people found out that's when they began to get hurt, and Blanche played it like it was no big deal which I believe did not help the situation. Lying can make you feel better for a little while, but telling the truth seems like a more permanent solution to being happy.

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